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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Youth Empowerment

To be very straight forward, Pakistan is in very critical condition these days, and demanding from youth to perform their role for its stability, development and progress. Major aspect is the realization of our responsibilies and after that fulfulling it. In our history we can observe that founder of Pakistan’ Mr. Jinnah always focused on the struggle of students and youngsters.
That was an example from our past. Currently Pakistan needs young people, who have some vision for themselves and their country. They absolutely not have some offensive opinions about any government(Current or past gov.). They rely on their work, struggle, and team work. They must have mission of prosperity of Pakistan. I mean that they should not be the beggers of any political power.

What required things at grass level?

Realization of responsibilies
Creative thinking
Aesthetic approach
Social development knowledge

After that:

Individual assesment
Role of individuals in progress as a whole
Area of interest
Plans of work

In the start of my blogging on I focused on young entrepreneurship promotion in Pakistan, that was due to this reason, because every youngster has to choose his/her area of interest. I choosed young entrepreneurship’ and its promotion for social development and for little bit prosperity. It may not flourish all 70% people of Pakistan who are living hands to mouth, but it can atleast start a process of changing. This start of changing actually we need …
Just wait till when I’ll be awarded as a national blogger of Pakistan…(lol ..hahaha)(Just kidding, blogging is all about random things you feel and observe and suddenly write on blog…

Keep reading and commenting on my blogs..

Have fun..
Take care
Hassaan Khan

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